Archive for Lateralization of brain function

Art Is Food For The Soul!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 25, 2010 by dianaswonderworks

I am still working on the sunflower painting, hopefully I will be done today or tomorrow. It should be obvious that I did not make it to the art show today. My tooth is killing me again, so I am trying to heal up, in the hopes that I can avoid another bill, and save the tooth. We shall see. So many things on my mind right now, so many choices before me, and not clear answers  on which way to turn. Time is running out and choices will have to be made. The crazier it gets the more I immerse myself in my art. Both to keep myself calm and feel the happiness art brings me and to trigger those problem solving skills that are definitely right brain activities. Like art which is right brain, problem solving skills are also right brain. I can honestly say that my biggest obstacle is fear. I do not trust myself to make the right decision, it seems so many of my choices have led to more problems. I am tired now and am seeking relief. Unfortunately, that does not mean my struggles are over, wanting something and getting it are generally two different beasts!

At this point in my life caution is definitely the rule of the day. Impulsiveness, which has always been my way, is now retired, and that worries me as well. Because, the truth of it is that sometimes being impulsive can lead to good things. I feel like I am taking a huge exam, and this one could change my life forever, for good or ill. It is a timed test and time is running out, so a choice has to be made, and I do not know the right answer. Today I will paint, and hope, and pray that somehow in all of this I can find my answer, and that the answer I choose is the right one! Searching my soul, my heart and my mind, while I work to complete my newest artwork. I will work also to find the answer to the next path I choose in life. Wish me luck ( the good kind), I need it!

Time is ticking away at me, and I have lots to do before the sun sets for the day. The lottery jack pot is not mine as of yet, and I have been working on a thought to do some good in this world, while I can. I truly want to give back in some way, since money has ever been a hardship for me, I must find another way. A plan has been formulating in my mind for quite sometime, and I must fix on it and make it happen. As I work out the smaller details and move forward I will be sharing with you, it does have to do with charity, and there are several that are dear to my heart.  I believe my choices are at hand, and my wishes for my destiny in art are not about me, but to help others with the gift I have been given. Send me your good will, and I will work hard on making you proud to know me. That I can promise! Sending you all my love, diana!/profile.php?id=100000810145663*

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